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Month: April, 2017

From Plain Chat to Free Hook Up

My best free hookup experience was basically https://www.hookuponline.com . Back when Yahoo chat was still in operation, there were all these chicks from Eastern Europe just hanging out in the chatrooms. Of course, they are looking for American boyfriends but everybody knew that. And a lot of guys in my college thought that this was bullshit because these are probably not real chicks. In their minds, they’re thinking that these are software-driven robots out to collect their credit cards.

For the most part, there’s a lot of truth to that suspicion. There have been documented cases of software-driven dating profiles using Yahoo chat or other chatrooms to sucker people into giving up their credit card information. Thankfully, that hasn’t happened to me. Why? I’m not lazy. I actually interact with these profiles and if they send something back that’s halfway coherent and relevant to what I typed in, I investigate it further.

Unfortunately, most guys are pussies and they’re also lazy. They would rather not put in the effort and then talk and bitch and moan that they’re not getting laid. Instead, I focused on what’s in front of me. I focused on putting in the right amount of works so I can get the right amount of pussy. In other words, I was ready to do whatever it took, for however long it takes to get my objectives. That philosophy has served me well throughout my life and I was not about to change.

So, what work for me on these chatrooms? Very simple! You just chat with them and you just focus on what they’re interested in. The funny thing about people is that the more you talk about shit they’re interested in, the more they think that you’re a great conversationalist. What you’re really doing is basically drawing shit from them then putting it back into their mouths. They love that crap and the interesting thing is the more you do that the more comfortable they get around you. That’s the bottom line. You could detect that the woman is getting really comfortable around you based on the shit that she talks about and then you just need to just manipulate those words and bounce it back to her to get her even more comfortable until she gets ready to spread her legs, give you the pussy, and you get what you’re looking for. You see how this works?

It’s all about comfort level. Unfortunately, too many guys overcomplicate things. Too many guys are defensive and insecure. Not surprisingly, they blow it. It doesn’t matter what they look like, it doesn’t matter how smart they are. All it takes really is the ability to read the situation and give people the experience that they’re looking for. Is that really too hard? Is that really too much to ask?